Remembrance 三陸、福島2011-2014 笹岡 啓子・著
海と陸と 東東北のあの時以後から問われる現在
判型 | |B4変型上製(266mm×336mm・厚さ28mm) |
ページ | |142 |
刷色 | |カラー4色 |
言語 | |日本語/英語 |
デザイン | |成瀬 慧 |
発行 | |写真公園林 |
発行日 | |2021年12月25日 |
価格 | |9,000円(税抜本体) |
ISBN | |978-4-908435-17-1 |
Cコード | |C3072 |
笹岡 啓子|ささおか・けいこ
2001年から広島平和記念公園を中心とした撮影を始め、2009年に写真集『PARK CITY』(インスクリプト)として刊行後、現在まで撮影と発表を継続。東日本大震災後、被災地域を撮影した小冊子『Remembrance』(KULA)全41号を刊行し、2015年からは被災地を含めた日本の海岸線などを撮影した小冊子『SHORELINE』(KULA、1–39号)の刊行を続ける。
photographers' galleryの設立メンバーとして、多岐にわたる活動のなか『photographers’ gallery press』の編集にも携わり、第12号では広島の原爆写真を検証する「爆心地の写真 1945–1952」を特集。個展・グループ展多数。
Keiko Sasaoka was born in 1978 in Hiroshima Prefecture.
She began taking photographs around the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in 2001, a project that she published as the photography collection PARK CITY in 2009 (INSCRIPT) and that she continues to expand and present even now. After the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, she published Remembrance (KULA), a series of 41 photography booklets featuring images taken in the disaster areas. Since 2015 she has been publishing booklets of photography depicting Japan’s coastal regions, including the disaster areas, as part of a series entitled SHORELINE (KULA, issues 1–40).
Sasaoka is a founding member of the photographers' gallery and has been involved with that organization in various capacities, including as editor of the photographers' gallery press. She coordinated a special issue, issue 12, on “Photographs of Ground Zero, 1945–1952” that surveyed photography of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. Sasaoka’s work has been featured in many solo and group exhibitions.
Her photographs have garnered substantial recognition, including an Honorable Mention at VOCA 2008, a Newcomer’s Award from the Photographic Society of Japan (2010), a New Figure Encouragement Prize from the Photo City Sagamihara Award (2012), and a Tadahiko Hayashi Award (2014).